M4siz Magazine Issue 1

Long road to success

Data siloes and threat security

In this Winter issue of the M4siz Magazine we have a look at the Cloud security and risk, featuring latest, so do the simple things first.
news in securing corporate data, data siloes and “Walled Gardens” alongside  threat and risk protection. We review the 2021 Forrester “Predictions” noting that over 30% of businesses have now moved to cloud data and asset management.

A key to providing added security over corporate assets and employee access to data is the combination of Windows 10 security and Windows Defender to provide a secure backdrop to your security worries. 

Data siloes and walled gardens are a growing risk in businesses where assumptions or audience profiles are not keeping up with the market.   Thus, the M4siz Magazine notes that these “walled Gardens” becomes more about speaking to the already converted rather than seeking to recruit new audiences and expand your business.  With a growing number of companies using “dumb” chat bot systems in their engagement channels, may result in poorer engagement in the absence of true AI.

M4siz can support your development and consultancy requirements and support explore the potential for “walled Gardens” in your business. 

Risk and Threat protection scanning

Our applications development have built a software product to drive the image analysis processor unit that offers a range of unique tools.    Integrated into a leading personnel and buildings security product we offer is the M1500 Smart Scan parcel security scanning system.    This compact X-ray scanning system offers rapid processing times and a range of dynamic menus and image enhancement tools.   

The M1500 is a compact unit suitable for small and larger mail sorting offices. The M1500 +Smart Scan is crammed with a host of detection features and when combined with its small footprint land ow maintenance cost, it makes an ideal solution for lower volume screening.

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