Creating growth and value through Discovery
M4siz are keen to assist our clients to create value in their business supported by our technical solutions. In many instances aspects of growth relate to challenges and issues around alignment of the business functions to the overall GOALS of the business. This can range from poor communication and collaboration to different performance incentives driving conflict in the business.
There are many elements to becoming a growth business. Some elements clearly relate to your understanding of your commercial environment; others relate to vision for the potential GOALS you want to achieve; or how you view the risk : reward profile of moving from an existing market sector into another new product area. Tackling performance issues in your business will help you transform your business with the support of appropriate technical solutions.
In times of economic or market pressure, research[1] suggests that those that continue to innovative and creative during the recession will exit the recession more competitive and be able to capture market share.
Therefore, M4siz has developed DISCOVERY, a tool to allow us to create growth and value propositions for your business aligned to our technical solution. This approach quickly identifies the key challenges to be resolved to enable your GOALS to be achieved. With Discovery you get what it says on the tin; a conversation with M4siz that to focuses on what you want to achieve for your business. We structure this conversation around our Discovery tool GOAL analysis [Goal Orientated Action List] and this allows us to align our technical solution to your business need.
GOAL is a system that can be used to drive your goals and ambition. It works for operational issues as well as more fundamental strategic challenges. It is important for any business to be focused on GOALS linked to performance tasks, we create your measurable ROAD MAP FOR SUCCESS. Some elements you may already have in place other elements may result in new priorities for you.
CONTACT US NOW for more information on Discovery and how it can create value for your business.
[1] i Alexander L Biel, “Converting Image into Equity” in Brand Equity and Advertising, ed. David A Aaker and Alexander L Biel ( Hillside, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1993), 67-82.
How does it work
Stage 1: Setting up how to create value in your business.
Making change happen is a simple story GOAL process
Stage 2: Setting the issues agenda
Explore issues that help us to understand the challenge and help us attain an outcome. Our development and consulting experience help us identify these quickly.
Stage 3: Prioritising the issues
Here the process begins to select the critical path to achieving your vision for the future.
Stage 4: Clustering issues
Begin to cluster the issues into group actions to cover the issues in more detail.
Stage 5: Developing the road map to value creation
Take your priority list and chart these out as task and action steps that need to completed to achieve the desired outcome for each issue.
Stage 6: Destination pathway
This is the critical path to your success over a given period of time and resources.
Stage 7: Review, Update, Amend your Roadmap to improve how you create value in your business
The GOAL ROAD MAP and DESTINATION PATHWAY are active documents and should be reviewed at least monthly to ensure that you are driving your business performance in a direction that will take you along the DESTINATION PATHWAY.
Stage 8: Support systems
When you partner with M4siz you will benefit from an unrivalled support system that will enable you to discuss your issues with m4siz executives who have a breadth of experience and can support you to maintain momentum on your Destination pathway.