Azure brings together a suite of tools that improve collaboration and decision making. It also makes for streamlined use of virtual servers rather than having to invest in expensive on-premise servers that need to be upgraded regularly to deal with the huge amounts of data acquisition. Azure allows you to expand and reduce your virtual server usage and requirements to provide an extremely cost-effective dedicated cloud tool. It does this without compromising data access and indeed improved the security of the data being collected and processed. To read more and download your free guide click the article header.
Decision making lies at the heart of all businesses. However, all great decision require data to base your corporate decision. At the heart of building up great information about your business and your clients lies an accurate record of data in your CRM. Working your data hard will deliver an improved Return on Advertising Spend.
To achieve this you need a CRM that integrates across your organisation and collects data from all your areas carrying out business functions. The age of siloes in a business is dead and gone. Your business needs to run as a seamless engine. Get your INFORGRAPHIC insight into how Dynamics 365 can help you connect with your customers.